We are heavily involved across the southern part of the Mornington Peninsula and beyond

Our Community

Memorial Pavers at Sorrento RSL

Jane Byrne from St Joseph’s Sorrento had created 7 remarkable mosaic tributes to our Armed Services. PNMSA was asked if we could assist in placing the pavers at the memorial wall.

They now reside in fitting recognition at the entry to the Sorrento RSL entry.

Hooded Plover Shelters

Our very first project in 2018 was repeated in 2023, where we partnered with St Joseph’s Sorrento, Parks Victoria, and the Friends of the Hooded Plover in creating shelters for the endangered Hooded Plovers that nest on our local ocean beaches.

Bunnings donated the timber and with the help of the kids, we created 22 shelters.

A very happy Parks Victoria quickly deployed them over the vulnerable nesting sites.

Bench Seats on the Foreshore

The local Foreshore committee needed some help in assembling several benches.

The kits were delivered and the Shed member got stuck into assembling the units.

Great to have the foreshore team come in and help with loading the completed units.

These are now appreciated on our bay beaches.

More Seating at Rye Pier

Parks Victoria needed a few more benches to be repaired.

The units were craned in at the Shed, repairs completed and craned back out to Rye.

Grateful for the crane. They were quite a weight!!!